Well she can't do it herself but she loves it when Jamisen whistles for her. Here's a video of her...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Friday, April 24, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
1st set of shots!
Kate had her first set of shots on Tuesday at the doctor. The good news is that she is still growing and is now 12 lbs 11 oz and 24.5 in long. At her 1 month appointment she was 11 lbs and 23 in. The shots were pretty awful but she did ok. I was talking to her and she was happy and smiling and then the nurse stuck her with the 1st of the 3 shots. She looked at me and just screamed. It broke my heart that she was looking at me like I should help her. After the shots she cried for a while and then fell asleep on the way home. We gave her baby Tylenol and she was pretty fussy all evening. She finally fell asleep in her swing at 10 pm and I slept on the couch so she could sleep there all night. She slept from 10-6:30 then woke up smiling. I fed her and she took another nap until 9:30. She seems to be eating fine and feeling ok today.
She has to get more shots in 2 months--maybe Daddy will take her this time....
Here's some pictures of Kate before her shots doing one of her favorite activities, sucking on her hand.
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Enjoying the weather
Since it was so nice out this week, we took a few walks in the park. She doesn't really love her stroller but she's starting to get more used to it. She also had her first trip to the mall this week. We met up with Jamisen since he was at a conference near Somerset. She seemed to enjoy having some new scenery to look at.
Of course Grandma had to see her this weekend so she watched Kate on Saturday while Jamisen and I got out for a while. Kate loves her Grandma and always seems to be well behaved when she's watching her. We also had some friends over Sat night and she was happy to be held by everyone. I put her in her crib at 9 pm while she was wide awake and she looked at her jungle aquarium for about 15 min and then fell sound asleep. She was out until 3 am then back to sleep until 7 then down until 9. For the most part, she's sleeping pretty well lately. She wakes up all smiles and ready to play.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
2 Months Old!
Today is Kate's 2 month birthday. She's changed so much over the last 8 weeks. I've posted some pictures. She must be having a growth spurt because she's eating almost every hour and the last 2 nights she's been up every 2-3 hours. She tricked me, I thought she was going to start sleeping longer. Hopefully she goes back to sleeping longer.
Monday, April 13, 2009
Happy Easter!
Kate had her first Easter and she enjoyed it. As you can see in the pictures, she had an Easter bib from her great Grandma and a new Easter dress that Aunt Gail bought her. Grandma got her rattles that attach to her and some new books. She had fun being held by everyone. It must have tired her out because she slept for 7 hrs last night. She's been sleeping longer and more consistently at night. If she keeps this up it will definitely be easier for me to function when I go back to work.
I finally caught Kate smiling on camera. She smiles all the time now, especially for her daddy. She likes to play with him more than me but I'm still her main food source!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Kate's new wall letters
My aunt Denise made Kate the cutest wall letters. They look really good against the paint in her room. See the pics below. Thanks Aunt Denise, I love them!
Kate slept for 6 hours last night which was so nice. I slept from 10-4 without waking up. I hope she keeps this up. I'll be going back to work in 5 weeks so hopefully I'll get some sleep.
Kate slept for 6 hours last night which was so nice. I slept from 10-4 without waking up. I hope she keeps this up. I'll be going back to work in 5 weeks so hopefully I'll get some sleep.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
More pictures...
These pictures are actually from last week but I thought I'd post them. Kate slept for 5 hours in a row last night from 11-4. Hopefully this sleeping streak continues. I actually have enough energy to do stuff during the day now. I'm trying to work out a little bit at home and go for walks (when it's not snowing!) Hopefully I'll be able to wear my work clothes by the time I go back. My official back to work date is 5/14. It will be hard to leave her....
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Kate slept for 6 hours in a row!!!
Aunt Denise holding me at Uncle Ken's 50th birthday! (I'll refrain from calling you great aunt and great uncle)

Last night Kate slept from 11 pm to 5 am. It was amazing! Of course, I didn't sleep that long. I woke up at 1 am and then listened on the monitor and went back to sleep. Then I woke up at 3 am and I was starting to get worried that she wasn't up yet but I went back to sleep. Finally, at 5 I had to go check on her and she was still sleeping so I went back to bed until I heard her wake up 10 min later. After I fed her and changed her she went back to sleep until 8.
I hope this sleeping streak continues because I feel so much better. She did not sleep well Sunday night so this was a welcome change.
Monday, April 6, 2009
Cousin Hailey came to sing me a song...
Brian, Angie, and Hailey came to visit this weekend. We had so much fun! Hailey sang Kate a few songs and she really enjoyed it. I've attached a short video. Hailey is going to be a big sister in August so she's getting some practice!
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
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