Kate a tea party set from Jamisen's grandparents and she loves it. We've been playing tea party non stop. Uncle Ben even got to play when he came to visit.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It's a tea party!
Kate a tea party set from Jamisen's grandparents and she loves it. We've been playing tea party non stop. Uncle Ben even got to play when he came to visit.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
First time playing in the snow!
Kate had a great time today playing in the snow, although she was kind of mad she could really pick up anything with her mittens on. She also couldn't run since she was bundled up like a baby marshmallow. We made a snowman and played for a little while. The snow was pretty wet so we didn't stay out too long.
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Monday, November 29, 2010
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Happy Halloween!
Monday, October 25, 2010
Kate reading Abby book
Saturday, October 23, 2010
I love Halloween
Kate has been so excited about everything Halloween. She got a Halloween card from Grandpa, my dad and another card from my mom and stepdad or Bucka as she calls them both. We put them low on the fridge so she can play with them. Here's a video of her getting mail.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Visiting Great Grandma
Today we visited with my Grandma, Kate's Great Grandma. At first Kate was shy but she warmed up. Plus, Great Grandma had bought her 3 new books and some big pumpkin cookies. Tonight before bed we read the books, she loves having new books---I hid the cookies for tomorrow. It was nice out today so we spent some time at the park, Kate likes to point out the different colors of the leaves. Tomorrow we have Gymboree then probably grocery shopping.
Monday, October 18, 2010
Friday, October 8, 2010
This is how I spend my morning and pumpkins!
Monday, October 4, 2010
Getting ready for winter and Halloween!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
I'm eating eggs...
Kate actually eats a few things that aren't cheese based. She ate a scrambled egg and toast last week. She also had some fruit but I have to give that to her after her egg or she'll just eat the fruit.
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Kate got a pumpkin!
Sunday, September 19, 2010
I forgot to post the picture from when Ben was over last weekend. Kate loves Uncle Ben and she had to sit by him and be by him the whole time. She even shared her goldfish crackers and juice with him.
And of course I had to add another picture of Kate trying on my shoes. She just loves shoes. She has also been really into helping lately. Today she helped me pick up leaves and put them in the yard bag. It was really cute because she was so proud of herself. She also watched football with Jamisen and learned to say, "off sides." She has learned about 10 letters of the alpabet and also knows some of her colors. She really likes M&Ms and calls them "circles". She requests "circles" several times a day but most of the time we tell her that they're all gone. She also loves bananas which she calls nanananananas.
Thursday, September 9, 2010
I like cleaning but I'm very naughty sometimes....
Kate has been really enjoying cleaning lately. She has been using the swiffer and Kitty even has been helping. She is still enjoying trying on her shoes and mine. We did have an incident today while I thought she was looking out the window. Turns out she was coloring on the windowsill and wall. She is now under crayon restriction until tomorrow. She was really testing her limits tonight trying to climb on everything.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Shoe crisis!
Kate really loves her shoes. Last night she had to wear her pink flip flops to Gymboree. Kate has a little friend Charlotte who was admiring her shoes. When we got home Kate wanted to try on some of her dress shoes but she had grown out of her favorite off white shoes with the flower. She was so upset that they didn't fit. I found her some cute boots and flats today. The boots fit but the other shoes were too small. I'll have to find her some more shoes for fall.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
I like socks too!
Not only does Kate love shoes she also loves to wear socks. She insisted on putting my socks on. She's getting so big and is saying so many new words. One of her favorite phrases this week was, "bows, daddy."
She is starting to imitate everything we do. She loves to use the swiffer and has also started tying to clean everything. Here's a video of her "cleaning."
Monday, August 30, 2010
Crazy for shoes!
Kate is so into shoes. We actually have to hide some of them because otherwise she'd want to wear her dress shoes all day. Right after her bath tonight she had to accessorize her pajamas with her pink flip flops. She gets really mad if one falls off and has a fit until I fix it for her. I can't wait to buy her some cute boots for fall and winter. It's so fun to dress a baby girl.
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Kate had fun at Grandma and Grandpa's house
Friday, August 27, 2010
Kate is so grown up
She loves shoes and talking on the phone so I'm already in trouble. She's only 18 months old so I think she's going to be high maintenance. Yesterday she wore her dress up shoes and cried when I took them off. So I let her wear them until we put her pjs ons. Then she insisted on putting her flip flops on. Today we're getting her 18 month pictures taken so I'll post some when I get them from the photographer.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Friday, August 13, 2010
Kate's been very busy...
Kate has been keeping busy playing and learning lots of new words. She now says applesauce, shoes, bus, cow, duck, quack, moo, neigh, kitty, more, yes, no, and lots of other words. Applesauce is my favorite. She's a big girl so she doesn't want to sit in her highchair or wear a bib that snaps around her neck (she rips it off.) So she now sits in a booster chair and wears a Mickey bib that goes over her head. Apparently that bib is ok since it doesn't snap and it has Mickey on it and Kate loves Mickey. She's getting so big!
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Fun day at the zoo!
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Just hanging out....
Kate had a good weekend. We went to Gymboree on Sat and she loves the songs, bubbles, and the parachute. She has really grown up since we first stared taking her when she was just 10 months old.
Today we went to see Grandma and Grandpa. We went to the park and Kate enjoyed the swing. Grandpa took Kate around the yard and drawing with sidewalk chalk.
Today we went to see Grandma and Grandpa. We went to the park and Kate enjoyed the swing. Grandpa took Kate around the yard and drawing with sidewalk chalk.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Friday, July 16, 2010
Sorry been busy
Kate has been quite busy lately. Unfortunately with all the terrible heat she hasn't played outside much. We just returned from visiting Jamisen's grandparents and I had to work a few days in WI. It's a really long car ride and Kate did as well as can be expected. We stopped on the way at McDonald's with a playland and she loved it. I think she thought that was the vacation but then back in the car. Next stop was Petco which Kate loved. She was excited to see the cats and the pictures of the dogs on the pet food bags. She had a good time visiting Jamisen's grandparents. She loves to swim and they have a pool in their subdivision. We had a good time and they always take great care of us---feed us well and give us lots of cocktails.
Kate had to model her new shoes. She is growing so fast, I am always on the look out for good deals on shoes. I don't want her feet to be damaged so I buy her good shoes but it gets expensive every few months. Nordstrom Rack has great prices on baby shoes so we went shopping today. Kate asked to model and she wanted to put on her socks.
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