Jamisen took Kate to the library this week and she loved it. She's a big fan of reading and books so we read constantly at home. She colored at the library and also took a couple of books that other people were trying to check out. Jamisen found a mom looking at him and apparently Kate had taken a book from her pile.
Kate is getting pretty independent. This was a big week since we are going "bottle free." Kate is not on board and she has made her opinion clear. Sippy cups are fine for water but unacceptable for milk and she will throw or kick them. After a few days she is starting to drink from her cup with less of a tantrum.
Kate is also getting pretty good using a fork or spoon. She can eat macaroni and cheese all by herself. She's an avid reader and she does like to be read to but sometimes she just wants to read by herself. As you can tell by the picture and video, I was clearly bothering her as she tried to read. She can climb up on pretty much all the chairs in our house now.
We stayed home this weekend mostly and since it was really hot Kate played in her pool a lot. She also really loves her side walk chalk. We went to uncle Ben's house for a bbq.