Sunday, April 19, 2009

Enjoying the weather

Since it was so nice out this week, we took a few walks in the park. She doesn't really love her stroller but she's starting to get more used to it. She also had her first trip to the mall this week. We met up with Jamisen since he was at a conference near Somerset. She seemed to enjoy having some new scenery to look at.

Of course Grandma had to see her this weekend so she watched Kate on Saturday while Jamisen and I got out for a while. Kate loves her Grandma and always seems to be well behaved when she's watching her. We also had some friends over Sat night and she was happy to be held by everyone. I put her in her crib at 9 pm while she was wide awake and she looked at her jungle aquarium for about 15 min and then fell sound asleep. She was out until 3 am then back to sleep until 7 then down until 9. For the most part, she's sleeping pretty well lately. She wakes up all smiles and ready to play.

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